What is focused ultrasound?

Focused ultrasound is the most powerful sound you will never hear, but a sound that could save your life.

Like a magnifying glass focusing beams of light on a single point, focused ultrasound concentrates ultrasound energy on a target in the body without harming healthy surrounding tissue.

What can focused ultrasound treat?

Focused ultrasound is being researched for over 180 diseases worldwide. While most are in the early stages, commercial treatment is now available in the US for essential tremor, Parkinson’s disease, osteoid osteoma, pain from bone metastases, liver tumors, uterine fibroids, and the prostate. Globally, 31 diseases have earned regulatory approval.

Patient Stories


Focused Ultrasound By The Numbers

70 Device Manufacturers
181 Clinical Indications
30 Mechanisms of Action
371 Research Sites
937 Treatment Sites

* This information will be updated periodically.

Global Reach

Three new sister foundations are advancing focused ultrasound in Europe and Asia.

Read The Tumor by John Grisham

From John Grisham, comes a story where today’s medical fiction could become tomorrow’s lifesaving reality.

John Grisham's The Tumor Book Cover